College Heights Baptist Church of Manhattan, KS

Brothers and Sisters at College Heights,


These are strange times in our nation.  I have not experienced anything like what we are experiencing with COVID-19 in my lifetime, and from talking with others it seems as though it is a new experience for all of us.  We are adjusting to a new normal in many different ways.

Many things are changing, temporarily we believe, and those changes are affecting even the way we operate as a church.  President Trump has laid out guidelines to limit group gatherings to 10 or less, strengthening the restriction of under 50 that was previously in place.  You may or may not agree with the measures taken across the nation to slow the spread of the virus.  But, God’s Word tells us that rulers are given by God for the good of the people they serve.  And the more I read about the virus, the more I am convinced that we should do what we can to slow the spread of the virus.  For a very thorough discussion of why slowing the spread of the virus is so important, this is a good article.

Therefore, beginning this Sunday we will not meet in person for corporate worship.  This has been a difficult decision for me to make, but together with CHBC’s Deacons we have come to the conclusion that it is the right move in our current situation.  I love our times of worship together on Sunday mornings.  I love the fellowship we have, and I believe it is Biblical and beneficial for us to gather together regularly to worship God and encourage one another to love and follow Jesus (Hebrews 10:24-25).  And I hope we are able to begin worshipping in person again very soon.

For now, we will be gathering together via Facebook Live.  We used this method Sunday so that those who were not able to attend in person could watch online.  It seemed to work pretty well and we are working out some of the kinks.  You can view the livestream of the worship service on our church Facebook page.  Here is the direct link.  Some at College Heights do not have internet access at home.  So, if all participants are healthy, please consider inviting someone who would not be able to watch at home to watch the service with you.  If you need technical assistance to be able to watch online, call the church office at 785-537-7744 and we will connect you with someone who can help.

It’s not just the way we worship that will require adjustments.  You and others will be staying home more, and you won’t see each other weekly at worship, or Bible Study, or Community Group.  That means it will take more effort to stay connected.  We will need to pick up the phone and make a call more often.  If you have a need, you won’t see people on Sunday so that we have the opportunity to discover that need, and you will need to call and ask for help.  As you pray for each other, God might put someone on your mind.  Don’t ignore those promptings by God.  Give the person a call, ask him how he’s doing, ask her if there is anything she needs help with.  Let’s use this crisis as an opportunity to grow as the Body of Christ!

College Heights, I urge you to pray that God shows us how to be the church He has called us to be.  This is a good time for us to remember that church is not a building, and church is not limited to a couple of hours on Sunday morning.  The Church is the people of God, and we are to be messengers and servants in a confused, fearful world that shows and tells the world about the Good News that even when “all around my soul gives way…”  there is one who is “my Hope and Stay!”

This Sunday I am taking a break from Revelation to study together the parable of the Good Samaritan.  I believe it is a timely passage for us to consider.  This is a time when we should work hard at loving our neighbor.  But we also need to think about how to love our neighbor when the physical contact with our neighbor may be limited.

Keep pressing on as you walk with Jesus through these uncertain times.  We can face the uncertainty with confidence and peace because we are certain of what lies on the other side!


For God’s Glory,


Pastor – College Heights Baptist Church

Letter from Pastor Lentz regarding the Coronavirus Crisis